Photo Gallery

Popcorn Day

Holy Cross Stars Academy recently celebrated National Popcorn Day with a visit to a commercial kitchen. Our visit helped support our curriculum units of study on buildings and brushes, as well as a fun way to celebrate this tasty treat!

Annunciation/Greek Independence Day

March 25th is a double holiday in Greece. To celebrate, Stars Academy first attended church services for the Feast Day of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Following Liturgy, our students participated in their own mini-Greek Independence Day program for their families. The event featured a parade and traditional songs from our students.

Career Week

During the week of 4/15, our Stars Academy students celebrated Career Week! Our classes were delighted to be visited by a priest, an event planner, two physicians, a software engineer, a social worker, two pharmacists, an accountant, an attorney, an FDNY EMT and a nurse. The children learned about the many different careers they can be when they grow up. Thank you to all who volunteered their time!

Pascha (Easter)

Pascha (Easter) is celebrated at Stars Academy throughout the days of Lent. The children participate in a variety of activities leading up Holy Week, including learning about Kyra Sarakosti (Lady Lent), who doubles as a calendar countdown to Easter and even dying our own red Easter eggs.

Protomagia (May Day)

In celebration of Protomagia (May Day), Stars Academy hosted a parent-child activity in which families were invited to help make Stefania (wreaths) for Protomagia. These flower wreaths are traditionally hung on the front door on May 1st, celebrating the welcoming of Spring!